Thursday, October 16, 2008

In a way, it's a similar experience as when I saw Ryan or Travis for the first time on the ultra sound monitor.  I was in awe of what the Creator could fashion inside of my own body.   I was humbly brought to tears.  The same with my third boy, Abush Dana Jackson, only I stood in awe that our Creator had a completely different plan of fashioning him, still a completely perfect plan. We were forwarded his precious picture just two days ago and I cannot take my eyes off of him. I've been asked if it feels like he's my own yet.  Honestly, I have known he was my own since the Lord placed a boy from Ethiopia in mine and Scott's hearts, now I have a face and name so of course it makes it much more real.  Nothing brings to me more joy than being Mama.  How blessed I am to be Mama again.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. They are plans for good and not disaster.  Plans to give you a future and a hope."

1 comment:

Grandma Shirley said...

Abush you will come to realize what a amazing Mommy God has given you. She is such a loving and god-fearing person and loves you so much before she has even met you. You are going to be welcomed into such a loving home. Your daddy, mommy, brothers Ryan & Travie can hardly wait to meet you. God is so good and we are all so happy to finally see your precious face!! Grandma Shirley