Friday, October 24, 2008

Almond Eyes

Abush's eyes remind his Aunt Laura of almonds.  I completely agree.  So many people have commented on those gorgeous eyes, how they just draw you in.  I look into his eyes each day, often, and think of what he must be going through at the time.  I trust in God's providence over his life and it brings me peace.  No one can take care of our boy like the Heavenly Father, so I must rest content knowing Abush is in His arms.  I still miss him tremendously and pray for a quick trip home.
Currently Abush is in Soddo at an orphanage a few hours away from Addis, the capitol of Ethiopia.  Our paperwork is in limbo, waiting to go to D.C.  We hope it comes soon and we will have a date for travel.  There is a possibility that we'll have him home for Christmas.  The best possible present ever for us!  The plan is for Daddy, Pa Jackson and Pa Austin to make the trip together. We'd appreciate prayer for the trip.  My dad recently had surgery on his shoulder.  The complete recovery is 6 months!!!!  He is a trooper and I don't think anything will keep him from this trip.  He has quickly become ambidextrous and I'm sure he will have plenty of strength in his right arm to carry his new grandson around. I'm going to stay home with the boys and pace the floors I'm sure.  I've told the girls they better keep me busy.  It's been over a week since we received pics of Abush.  It feels like we've known him for a lifetime.


Grandma Shirley said...

I agree with your Aunt Laura your eyes are like almonds. You have the cutest smile and I can hardly wait to meet you and hold you in my arms and sing to you to "You are my Sunshine". The song I have sung to your 2 brothers and 2 cousins Molly & Grace. The days seem to drag by and we are hoping and praying the paperwork gets done soon so Daddy, Pa Austin & Pa Jackson can make the journey to bring you "home". I love Abush Dana. Grandma Shirley

Anonymous said...

There are no words for what God has done and for the sacrifice of a famly who is not rich in the world's eyes but rich in Life from another world ... Abush is blessed beond what he can even comprehend! May the presence of the Lord be your dialy bread as you all wait for Abush to come home. Love you and can't wait to meet little Abush Dana Jackson!!
Hugs - Auntie

Cousin Shanny said...

Oh my, he's beautiful! i have tears of joy and i am so happy he is part of the family. What an adorable little "Jackson". i only hope we all get to meet him very soon!

our prayers and thoughts will be with you all.

love to Abush from cousin Shanny and Aunt Colleen!!