Tuesday, November 4, 2008

From the mouths of babes

  I love thinking of all the sweet things the brothers and cousins of Abush have said.

His cousin Luke, after being told we were adopting a child from Africa:  Luke studied the skin on his own arm.  He then looked up at us, a bit baffled and confirms, "But....the Jackson family has white skin...."

His big brother Ryan:  Ryan ran into get me one day out of the blue and drags me down the hallway to a closed bedroom door.  "Momma, when my brother gets here I'm going to open the door like this and say 'It's all yours.'"

His future partner in crime, 3 year old cousin Leah:  Leah has given Abush the name that has stuck.  She has named him "Uppie Uppie" in an attempt to say Ethiopia. We love this name and refer to him that way the majority of the time.

His big cousin, 5 year old Nate:  "Aunt Chrissi, are you gonna go get your step-son today?"

His big bubba Travie:  We had been invited to go to Disney Land w/ our close friends, the Meisters.  Scott was wiped out and decided not to go.  Over dinner we were discussing if the boys and I were going to go w/out Scott.  After making the decision that we were going to stay home because "We didn't want Daddy to be lonely" Travis proudly declares, "I've got a great idea.  Me, you and Bubby can go to DisneyLand w/ Bill and Kelly while Daddy goes to get my baby brother in Africa.  Then he can stay home and play with him while we stay at DisneyLand."

1 comment:

The McMillan Family said...

Super cute all of the kids comments. I love how they think and make big ideas into such simple thoughts. Kinda like God does with us, huh? We love you. The McMillans